Managing Director & CAO

Ms. Schmitz is the Head of Principal Investing and Fund Management at Ziegler and the Chief Administrative Officer of the Ziegler Link•age Funds, a venture capital fund family with an investment policy designed to support innovation, collaboration and growth among entrepreneurs and senior living and healthcare providers.
With over 10 years of operating and investing experience, she oversees both operations, and development and execution of the Ziegler Link•age Fund’s strategic value proposition. She also manages the funds’ investment pipeline and leads investment execution, including holding investment committee seats in four venture funds representing, in aggregate, over $150mm in commitments. As a strategic investor, Ms. Schmitz takes an active role with many of the companies in which the Ziegler Link•age Funds have invested, including holding seats on four portfolio company Boards of Directors, Smartcare Software, Cosan, LifeSite, and Embodied Labs.
Ms. Schmitz has a strong foundation in US GAAP, internal controls, and mergers and acquisitions through her experience working in the Audit and Transaction Advisory practices of Grant Thornton. She earned a BBA in accounting and Masters of Accountancy from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, is a Wisconsin Certified Public Accountant and maintains Series 7 and 24 securities licenses.